I’m intrugied by seemingly simple problems that behave in a non-trivial way. My principle research intrests lies in the behaviour of complex systems in the field of fluid-structure interaction. I am currently investigating the behaviour of bioartifical capsules flowing through a junction with the aim of seperating capsules based on their elastic properties irrespective of their size.
I use ovalbumin-alginate capsules prepared as descriebed by Levy and Edwards-Levy [1]. The ultimate interest of my work is to seperate capsules based on their elasticity using the geometry of a sorting device, i.e. without outside intervention. This is complicated by size variations as a larger capsule with the same elasticity will apear more deformable.
My initial approche is to characterise the elasticity of the capsules and then investigate their behaviour in simple flow situations, such as a T-Junction. Based on this, the focus will then move to more complex flow situations.

A single capsule (Batch220514-002 #1) going through the T-Junction folowed by a 90 degree turn at three different flow rate. Subsequent images have been coloured and superimposed to illustrate the dynamics. Left: volume flux Q=6.67 * 10 ^-8 Middle: Q = 6.67 * 10 ^-8 Right: 1.5 * 10^-6

T-Junction Setup Mark 2, with illumination light switched on. The syringe pump can be seen in the background.

Centering device at the start of the main channel together with inflow coming from the syringe pump. A capsule faintly be seen at the inflow.
To be updated with content about ovalbumin-alginate capsules…
The room is temperature controlled but there are still temperature variations. The temperature is recorded at several points in the lab every 5 minutes. For the measurments go to the temperature page.
[1] Levy, M.-C. and Edwards-Levy, F. J. Microencapsulation 13(2), 169–183 (1996).
Hi there,
I was wondering what LaTeX template you have used for your MPhys report?
I like the style, and would like to edit my MPhys to a similar style.
Could you send me a similar template if possible?